Blogging on Blogs

Ten years ago the idea that blogs would be so popular would have been laughed at. That was long before we were swept away by the social media wave. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and all the other groupie gathering sites have made normal, uninteresting people into viral sensations. No matter if you aim to be famous or infamous, there is an Internet vehicle waiting to post your particulars to millions of people around the world.
Diving into the blogoshpere is similar but different. Here you have to actually make a little sense, or at least be able to make sentences in semi-grammatically correct fashion. Sure there are many writers that can still demolish the English language in their blogs, but for the most part bloggers are able to offer coherent messages to the masses.
While most of the cyber socialites are using hash-tag quips and abbreviated communications, blog writers are carefully structuring their thoughts into words that may actually have a lasting effect on people or business. No matter what subject you are interested in, there are handfuls of blogs written by people of like mind waiting to be read. If you are new to blog surfing, then grab a warm cup of tea or coffee, maybe a muffin or a sandwich, and get busy perusing the digital library for some of the more interesting and poetic peoples that are offering their integrity through their insightful articles and oeuvre. You might be surprised by how many people actually make sense.